How long at this address?
Current Occupation
How long at this occupation?
Detail Employment History, dates and salary
Date of Birth
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
Marital Status
If Married, will your spouse participate in the business?
If applicable, spouse/partner name
Spouse/partner current occupation
How long in current position?
Spouse/partner annual income
Specify the cities or areas and state you are interested in
Why are you interested in the restaurant industry?
How long have you been looking at business opportunities?
What other types of businesses are you considering?
What specifically about Apóla Greek Grill appeals to you?
On a scale of 1 - 10, with 10 being the highest, how committed are you to owning your own business?
What is your timeline for starting your own business? (In months)
Why do you believe you can successfully operate & manage Apóla Greek Grill franchise opportunity?
Cash in checking account(s)
Cash in savings account(s)
Real Estate (Home Value)
Other Real Estate
Cash Surrender in Life Insurance
Qualified Plan Assets / 401K Assets
Qualified Plan Assets / IRA Assets
Qualified Plan Assets / Other Assets
Total Assets
Notes Payable to Banks
Notes Payable to Finance Companies
Real Estate Mortgage Indebtedness
Credit Cards
Other Liabilities
Total Liabilities
NET WORTH (Total Assets minus Total Liabilities)
What amount of money do you feel comfortable investing?
What is your liquid capital?
Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? If Yes, Please fill in the next section and explain:
On a scale of 1 - 10, with 10 being the highest, how committed are you to moving forward with Apóla Greek Grill?
I understand the information I am receiving from Apóla Greek Grill or from a Apóla Greek Grill employee, agent, franchise, licensee or any of their affiliates is considered highly confidential. This material, concept and business model has been developed with a great deal of effort and expense to Apóla Greek Grill and is being made available to me because of my request and will be kept in strict confidence. I will not divulge or use any data, customer or employee names, addresses, techniques, methods, advertising materials, forms or any other information of any kind used in connection with Apóla Greek Grill without their consent. * Please enter your name (which will serve as your signature):
Please enter today's date